Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Quiet hum

It really is quiet here in the house.  All,  have returned to the routine of school & I'm at the dining room table with papers to file.

I couldn't do this while the kids were here because this is a quiet job.  I couldn't do this with them around because I wanted to be fully engaged with them.  Plus,  I really do hate having to tackle all this paper.  I'd much rather just let it pile up.  But then,  there is the frustration of having to find a slip of paper as the kids file their FAFSA & me,  my income tax.

Vacation was wonderful as we relaxed,  played games,  had movie marathons (we finally got to the Lord of the Rings Trilogy),  made snow angels &snowmen (sigh,  now that song is going to be in my head,  but it is a good song & I love when my girls sing it to each other) &  made LOTS of noise.  And now there's just a hum in the house.  A lovely hum combination of refridgerator & outside tractor (my neighbor is working on a tree that fell during the recent icestorm) making an underlying harmony with the song in my heart of this being my abode.
If I listen with my heart,  I can still hear the kids laughing with each other as they complain how long it takes to finish a game of Monopoly.  I'm reminded of the Psalmist song of "BE STILL".  I wonder if it's so we can hear the hum in our hearts.

1 comment:

  1. I like that...listening to the hum in our hearts. I'm listening to the rain at this very moment, and have turned off all extra humming things in the house so as to hear it better!
