Sunday, October 12, 2014


I'm finding it funny that I'm writing on this & I don't even know how to spell or much less pronounce it.  Here is the definition that I found


noun \ˌa-nə-ˈni-mə-tē\
: the quality or state of being unknown to most people : the quality or state of being anonymous
plural an·o·nym·i·ties

Full Definition of ANONYMITY

:  the quality or state of being anonymous
:  one that is anonymous

Examples of ANONYMITY

  1. They are trying to protect their child's anonymity.
  2. She enjoyed the anonymity of life in a large city.

First Known Use of ANONYMITY


Related to ANONYMITY

obscurity, facelessness, namelessness, nowhere, nowheresville, silence
Yipee,  it worked.  I'm trying to learn how to do something new each time I post & I did it... but that's for another post.  This is about why making this blog with anonymity.  
    When I first started this blog,  it was with the intent of writing about my grief journey.  My kids implored me to leave them out of it,  but they are such a big part of my life.  I couldn't leave them out.  So,  they said,  only if I didn't mention their names or post their pictures.  I thought I could do it,  but it's hard.  There is so much I want to write about how well they are doing.  
    But I have another friend who went public with her blog & has kept her family anonymous & it's been fun to read.  And reading hers has been encouraging.  Now,  if I could just figure out how to link hers to mine... in any case,  here is her blog or
  Would love to have comments on what readers or bloggers think of anonymity.


  1. I am not a very private person, but I have to remember that others are. Whenever I write about my (grown) kids, I always show it to them first and make sure they are okay with what I am saying. It has worked well.

    Good for you for learning new things.


    31 dayer

  2. I am torn between being not such a private person and wanting privacy! LOL
    I have found that writing is such an outlet for me... but I don't want to have my kids out there... for their safety and for their privacy. I assign a nickname for my kids, even on my facebook page, where I know probably three fourths of my "friends" and I'm comfortable with them, but it is that last fourth of them that I don't really know. And who reads my blog? who knows... I know some of them, but some are from the Ukraine, some from other parts of Asia... and all over America. Europe... how can I keep my kids safe? So... I quit posting pictures of my kids, though I did recently include a pic of my son at the beach, but it is not like it is a closeup or anything... Anyway... do what feels comfortable for you all... make up nicknames, stick to them... use them for your journey if that is ok with the kids. That way, they have their anonymity and you have your ability to let your story out. .. Best of luck with it.

  3. The way I approach anonymity with my blog is to focus on my personal feeling and the lesson of the story instead of the facts and details. It is almost funny that those who read my blog probably know more about my personality and ideas than those who I work or go to school with. I also feel comfortable posting pictures of myself - as all of the pictures I use are created or posed and give no hints to my personal connections such as family events or work. I feel that it is important to include some photos of the writer so that the reader has a easier time connecting with the post, however this may be unique to blogs like mine that often bring up moral or social questions and need to create some kind of connection and credibility with our readers.

    I must confess I do not blog as much as I'd like, and the 31 day challenge is going to have to wait until I'm done with college; but if you're curious about my blog copy and paste the link below:

  4. It's really hard to stay anonymous. For example, I did a big post on my sister's wedding ( and I wanted to include some shots that the professional photographer took. But they had her watermark on them...which led to her website...which gave the location of the wedding...and pictures of my sister's face, which I try to avoid. There are also certain subjects I can't really discuss because they give away geographic location.

    The two main reasons I stick with anonymity are 1) to guard against photos of my kids "getting out" into the wide world and 2) because our family went through a public murder trial, which is something I didn't want to complicate by unknown readers discovering/discussing *every* detail as I blogged about it.

    But keeping anonymity is worth it to me to be able to have a public blog, because I really love thinking that maybe someone I'd never meet otherwise was helped or uplifted by reading. Plus it really appeals to the performer in me--I do love an audience! :-)
