Saturday, October 11, 2014

Answering Questions: pictures?

On my personal facebook page,  I had several questions to help me stay focused on the 31 day challenge.  Here is the first:

Do you think that a blog post should include images or do pictures distract from the message?

I love when pictures are used because I think the saying "a pictures says more than a thousand words" (did I get that right?) is not a cliche but the truth.  Plus,  I love looking at images & pictures.  I love taking pictures.  I love looking for just the right image to go with what I'm trying to convey.

Ironically,  this post will not have any pictures (done intentionally!) because I don't believe that every post needs a picture or that there is a picture for every post. I think that on some post pictures may distract... & I'm thinking this may be one of them.... hee, hee


  1. I like pictures if it helps drive home the point, but if they are not needed, it can be a distraction or make the blog look too busy. What do you think of blog posts with no words and only pictures (aka Wordless Wednesday)?
