Thursday, October 9, 2014

Birthday blog

Today is my birthday & I was going to veer from my chosen category of blogging,  but as I was planning it in my head,  I saw it coming together as still a "blog" learning post.  Birthday blog,  what an great example of an alliteration & this is what I'm going to explore today.

 I have always loved a good 3 point alliteration sermon.  So easy to follow & remember during the week until the next Sunday sermon.  And I have noticed that some bloggers use alliteration to title their days.  I see the wisdom in this as it keeps the focus.  I have thought after the 31 day challenge is over that I still want to keep up the habit of blogging daily.  I'm thinking that naming my days will help me.  I've been mulling over making Sunday... silent... where I just post pictures.  Monday would be motivation or memory.  Alot of people,  have Tuesday be throwback... not sure what that means.  Wednesday will be wacky.  Thursday,  oh was this the Throwback day (still don't know what that is).  Friday is five minutes of writing.  And Saturday will be story.  Anyways,  if any of my readers (after yesterday's blog,  I'm starting to feel like maybe I do have a readership),  have any suggestions to my day's alliterations,  I'm open for suggestions.  Next year,  if I do the challenge again,  I'm thinking of doing 31 blessings.

We sang 'count your blessings,  name them one by one" last Sunday & I had this epiphany.  But even if I don't pick up the gaunlet,  I'm going to write a Birthday blessings blog next year on this date... it's a plan.  It will be a start of a good tradition.

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