Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow Day..... AGAIN

There were peals of "hurrahs" & "yipees" when the call for school reach came on Monday night saying that the administration had decided to cancel school the following day.  SNOW DAY!

It meant they didn't have to pack their bags for a swimmeet or plan a lunch to avoid cafeteria food.  It meant that they could sleep in & not worry about "that" test or turning in "that" paper.  And I let them have their "day off",  but when the call came again, for another snow day, they were actually a bit disappointed knowing that they had to shoulder some of my responsiblities while I had a full day of work to go to.  It didn't seem as fun when it was too cold to go outside & play.  And frankly after building one snowman,  it didn't seem worth the time & effort to make anymore.

So,  when ANOTHER snow day was announced for today,  I think they were seeing the consequences.  They'd have to stay in school until June.  They were missing all the chatter of their friends at the lunch table.  They were missing out on much needed practice both for swimming & show choir.  All the pleasure of snow days had lost it's shine & now I was hearing groans & sighs ( I was going to write "peals of groans.... but that didn't sound right).

There is a spiritual analogy here somewhere....

yup,  CS LEWIS wrote it.... a much better analogy than I could have come up with... one of my favorite books
awww.... that's an idea for a snow day,  to curl up in front of a fire with a good book & a cup of tea

1 comment:

  1. Sounds pretty blissful to watch snow coming down outside the window, reading a book with a hot cuppa!
