Sunday, March 29, 2015

Story Sunday: Seaweed snacks

 I'm not sure if I deemed Sunday as story or silent,  but I couldn't post these pictures without words.  There's such a story behind them.  And so for today,  it's Story Sunday,  with my seaweed snacks.

I was so excited to find these in of all places.... WALMART.  True,  they were tucked in the asian corner of the aisle,  right beside the jasmine rice,  but they were there.  Stuff like this is hard to come by in my neck of the country.  And though they were a bit pricey,  I had to buy them.  I had to enjoy the taste & the memories. I was introduced to these yummies in college.  In my Junior year,  I lived with Japanese exchanged students who had all sorts of wonderful treasures to share.  But that is not the story that I wanted to share.

No,  this is about my other roommate,  Diane... & yes I'm using her real name.  Because,  I also wanted to share her awesome blog, wings for your dreams.  So,  with this my anonymity may be ruined,  but really it's just a game to try to keep my identity underwraps (& to respect my kids wishes to keep them out of my social media reveals).  Anyways,  back to Diane (love you girlfriend & so glad you are back to the road to recovery),  she loved our roommates in different ways & they loved her "typical American" meat & potato ways.  I, on the other hand kept asking if they had anymore spicy little crackers that I could spread their shrimp paste on.  But my real downfall was these little packages of dried seaweed.
  They even had their family mail me a care package of them.  And I would slurp & crunch & moan with delight at the taste of them.  This is the way of the Japanese to show their appreciation of their food.  Actually,  the highest praise is to burp.  But even, I,  stop at this un-norm.  Anyways,  Diane on the otherhand did not share in my experience.  She would cover her ears at my nonsense & politely ask me to take it down the hall.  This is such a fun memory for me as I think about my college years.

 My usual fare for snacks are chips.  I love anything with salt & crunch.  I think that's why the seaweed was such a hit in my wheelhouse.  Yummm.... it's strange how the senses evoke our emotions.  Just thinking how the smell of the seaweed was or how the sound of the crunch of the chips brings such pleasure to my heart.... ha, ha... I'm not laughing out loud,  but smiling real big.
yes,  this is actually in my fridge

But chips are not healthy & I need to get to healthy living,  in going FORWARD. I just wish they evoke my pleasure centers... hee,  hee

1 comment:

  1. Just went by the International House and thought of you, and how fortunate you were to live there, and all the interesting housemates you had.
