Saturday, October 4, 2014


I got up at 6am this morning knowing that I had so much to do today & I wanted to make sure that I posted a blog post,  but I stayed too long on facebook & reading others blogs that now I only have a few minutes before I have to do LIFE.  It's Saturday & that means band competition & driving 2 hours & packing snacks & getting 30 20 a large number of aluminum wrapped potatos (my portion for the band members lunch,  boosters are serving bake potato bar so the kids don't spend too much money on concession stand junk) into the oven for a half hour, dogs to the vet kennel since I don't know what time we are coming home.  Yup,  lots to do & I'm choosing to write a blog post... sigh.... but it's done & I have a feeling I'm going to write about choices again since I'm not really writing about what I planned but what is filling my mind & so I guess overflowing into my heart.  Oops,  I hear footsteps overhead me,  I've got to get up & get dress... see ya

1 comment:

  1. Somehow I end up spending too much time on FB and other people's blogs when I think about posting too...
