Tuesday, October 21, 2014

World Series game #1

With this title,  it must seem like I'm going off category... maybe... but the TV is on with the Royals vs Giants & it's what is happening right now.  I'm blogging with it in the background.  Actually,  I was going to write about "what to blog about" today & I had so many ideas.  I didn't know where to start.  Instead of coming up with a blank,  I was overwhelm with so much I wanted to write about.  There is so much to write about,  but I think the best thing is to write about is what is happening in your life right now.  And that's why I've got the world series on.  Even when you write about the past,  it's how you are processing it right now that you blog about.  And when you write about the future,  it's what you are hoping about right now.  As we come to the end to this 31 day challenge,  I'm starting to think what direction am I going to take this blog.  I know I don't want to write about blogging for a long time.  I feel like I've beat this horse almost dead.  But then I have 10 days.... yipee!


  1. First baseball game I've watched in over 5 years! It was a great underdog story, sad that the Royals didn't win.

  2. Game 2.... great 6th inning, 5 runs & puts them ahead, 7-2... I think the Royals just needed to be humbled a little yesterday
