Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Blogging was still in it's fledging stage of the social media scene when I started.  I think it was a faster way to get a "newletter" out.  At the time,  it was a web-log (it still is,  but it has morphed into something else than intended).  Bloggers had their own website to keep family & friends informed of what was going on their lives (hence,  why I think it was more like a internet family newsletter).
But then bloggers started to write their thoughts on "stuff" that was more than the details of their lives.  Inspirations were shared,  recipes & how to"s were handed out & advice was given to anybody who "googled".

And blogs became places where people like me read about "stuff" that I might have once looked for in a magazine like Good Housekeeping or Ladies Home Journal.

I've been reading on the 31 dayers facebook page that bloggers are hoping to increase their readership or have been disappointed in the amount of their unsubcriptions (I'm still not sure how one gets those... I'm still on a learning curve).  It's been fascinating to educate myself to the world of bloggers.  It's been exciting to see that I have joined into a community of the future.  I'm not sure where this is going to take me.  I don't have a goal in mind like some who want to publish a book someday or change the world by an awe inspiring blog post.  I probably should have a goal so I know what I want to do with this blog outside of getting my thoughts written.

Since I have made this blog public,  I should know who I want my readers to be,  who will be following or subscribing to me... who my readership should be.  I know in one of my past post,  I said that I was the reader.  But if this is in the "world wide" internet,  than I have the potential to change the world... wow


  1. I completely agree with you that blogging has quickly changed to become a powerful tool; one does not have to have a book published to get there ideas out into the public eye. Isn't it exciting to think that our experiences, thoughts and ideas can change the world?!

    1. it doesn't seem real that my small little blog could have an effect on anyone, but as I've been on this challenge, I've had to rethink that someone besides myself or even my family (which I'm not even sure if all of them read this) will see & bring about change. Now, I have to write thinking that this may make a difference in someone's life

    2. Yeah, that thought can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Sometimes (lots of times?) I don't post anything because I don't have the time to polish it "enough" for "all the readers" out there. Need to remember that I'm doing it for *me*.
